AI Low-Code Platforms Modernize Legacy Systems

Discover how AI low-code platforms are transforming legacy systems, offering faster development, cost savings, and seamless integration.

AI-powered low-code platforms are revolutionizing how companies update old tech systems. Here's what you need to know:

  • Speed: Build apps up to 78% faster than traditional coding
  • Cost savings: Cut expenses by up to 85%
  • Ease of use: Even non-techies can contribute to app development
  • AI boost: Automates tasks and suggests code snippets
  • Integration: Connects old and new systems seamlessly

Key benefits:

  • Faster development times
  • Reduced IT spending
  • Improved efficiency and user satisfaction
  • Better security and scalability

Real-world results:

  • Addiko Bank: Halved loan approval time from 7 to 3 days
  • FirstBank: Saved 1,000 hours annually on anti-money laundering reviews
  • US Air Force: Saved $83 million by replacing 100+ old systems

To get started:

  1. Assess your current systems
  2. Identify update priorities
  3. Choose the right AI low-code tool
  4. Train your team

Don't let outdated tech hold you back. AI low-code platforms offer a fast, cost-effective way to modernize your legacy systems and stay competitive.

Quick Comparison:

Feature Traditional Coding AI Low-Code Platforms
Speed Slower Up to 78% faster
Skills needed Expert-level Basic know-how
Customization Highly flexible Limited but improving
Integration Can be tricky Smooth
Cost Higher Up to 85% savings
AI assistance Limited Built-in

Why Legacy Systems Cause Problems

Legacy systems are a headache for businesses trying to keep up in the digital world. Here's why:

Tech Limits

Old systems are like dinosaurs in the tech world. They're:

  • Slow
  • Can't store much
  • Struggle with new data types

Remember when unemployment systems crashed during COVID? That's because they were running on COBOL - a language from the 1950s!

High Upkeep Costs

Keeping legacy systems alive is like maintaining an old car. It's expensive because:

  • Few people know how to fix them
  • Parts are hard to find
  • They need constant security patches

CIOs spend over half their tech budgets just keeping old systems running. That's money that could be used for new, cool stuff.

Trouble Connecting with New Tech

Old systems don't play nice with new tech. This causes:

  • Data gets stuck in old systems
  • People waste time moving data around
  • No mobile access (a big no-no these days)
Problem What It Means for Business
Tech Limits Slow, small, can't handle new data
High Costs Eats budget, needs special skills, risky
Bad Connections Data trapped, time wasted, no mobile

Remember the WannaCry attack in 2017? It hit old Windows systems hard, causing chaos for hospitals and businesses worldwide.

As Annie Adams from Deloitte puts it:

"They're trying to do this while still maintaining and managing some, often legacy, systems that are getting old and antiquated or expensive to use."

In short, legacy systems are holding companies back. That's why many are turning to new solutions like AI-powered low-code platforms to bridge the gap between old and new.

How AI Low-Code Platforms Work

AI low-code platforms are shaking up how companies modernize their systems. They're making app development faster and easier, even for those who aren't coding pros.

Key Components

These platforms typically include:

  • Drag-and-drop interfaces
  • Pre-built components
  • AI-powered code generation
  • Visual modeling tools

With these features, both tech whizzes and newbies can whip up apps in no time.

AI's Speed Boost

AI turbocharges app creation by:

  • Automating repetitive tasks
  • Suggesting code snippets
  • Analyzing requirements and recommending components

Take Akkio, for example. It lets users deploy AI in just 10 minutes, no coding skills needed. And it plays nice with popular tools like Snowflake, HubSpot, and Salesforce.

AI Low-Code vs. Traditional Coding

Feature AI Low-Code Traditional Coding
Speed Lightning fast Slower
Skills Needed Basic know-how Expert-level coding
Customization Limited but improving Highly flexible
Integration Smooth sailing Can be tricky

DataRobot shows these platforms in action across industries. It offers tools for banks, retailers, healthcare providers, and manufacturers to harness AI without a squad of data scientists.

"The low-code/no-code movement has kicked off a citizen-developer revolution." - Konstantin Kalinin, Mobile Agency Owner

Using AI Low-Code to Update Old Systems

AI low-code platforms are changing the game for modernizing outdated systems. Here's the scoop:

Building Apps Faster

These tools are like app-building steroids. They:

  • Automate boring stuff
  • Suggest code snippets
  • Analyze needs and recommend components

The result? App building that's up to 78% faster than the old-school way.

Smart Automation and Data Linking

AI-powered platforms are data wizards. They:

  • Connect different data sources
  • Automate workflows
  • Spot potential issues before they happen

This bridges the gap between old and new systems, making data more accessible and cutting down on technical debt.

Making Systems Easier to Use

AI low-code platforms are all about user-friendliness:

  • Drag-and-drop design tools
  • Pre-built components
  • Non-techies can pitch in

It's like a modernization party where everyone's invited.

Feature Benefit
Pre-built connectors Plug-and-play with existing systems
Visual development Even your grandma could build an app
AI-powered code generation Faster dev, fewer facepalms
Automated testing Apps that don't break when you sneeze

Using these platforms, companies can update their dinosaur systems without breaking the bank or waiting forever. It's like giving your old car a makeover instead of buying a new one.

"With a low-code development approach, we help devise the right roadmap that seamlessly transforms their legacy product into powerful & next-gen solutions." - Rishabh, Legacy Application Modernization Services

AI low-code platforms offer a sweet spot for updating old systems. You get the speed of automation plus the flexibility to keep what works while adding cool new features.

Steps to Update Old Systems

Updating old systems with AI low-code platforms isn't rocket science. Here's the game plan:

Pick Your First Target

Start small. Choose a non-critical app as your guinea pig. Why?

  • You'll get to know the platform
  • You'll spot potential hiccups
  • Your team will gain confidence

OutSystems says to focus on high-value areas first. It's a smart move - you'll see quick wins and cut down on tech debt.

Choose Your AI Low-Code Weapon

Look for these must-haves:

Feature Why It's Crucial
AI helpers Speed up your work
Full-stack power Build end-to-end solutions
Tight security Keep your data safe
Room to grow Scale as you expand

OutSystems shines here. Their AI tools can auto-generate parts of new solutions based on your old systems. It's like giving your developers a head start.

Get Your Team Up to Speed

Don't skimp on training. It's key for:

  • Faster uptake
  • Fewer slip-ups
  • Making the most of new features

Try this two-team approach:

1. One team keeps the old system running

2. Another learns and builds with the new platform

This way, you keep the lights on while you're upgrading.

"Low-code development helps us create a roadmap to turn old products into powerful, next-gen solutions." - Rishabh, Legacy Application Modernization Services


Solving Common Update Problems

Updating legacy systems with AI low-code platforms can be tricky. Let's look at two big challenges:

Moving Data Safely

Data migration is risky. One slip-up and you could lose important info or compromise security. Here's how to do it right:

  1. Plan it out: Know what you're moving and where it's going.
  2. Clean up first: Remove duplicates, fix errors, and standardize formats.
  3. Use good tools: Pick migration tools that fit your needs.
  4. Test repeatedly: Run trials with sample data before the big move.
  5. Keep backups: Always have a safety net.
Step Action Why It's Important
1 Plan Prevents data loss and breaches
2 Clean Ensures quality data in the new system
3 Tools Speeds up migration, reduces errors
4 Test Catches issues early
5 Backup Protects against disasters

Dealing with Staff Pushback

Change is tough, especially for long-time system users. Here's how to get your team on board:

  1. Demo the new system: Let staff see how it makes their jobs easier.
  2. Train in small steps: Break it down to make it less overwhelming.
  3. Find enthusiastic team members: They can help convince others.
  4. Address concerns openly: Listen and respond to worries.
  5. Celebrate small wins: It builds momentum for the rollout.

Real Examples of Successful Updates

Let's look at how companies used AI low-code platforms to revamp their old systems:

Addiko Bank: Speeding Up Loan Approvals

Addiko Bank

Addiko Bank's loan approvals were crawling. They used a low-code platform to:

  • Connect core banking and underwriting systems
  • Automate contract and document processes
  • Send only tricky cases to humans

Result: Loan approval time HALVED from 7 days to 3 days.

FirstBank: Streamlining Anti-Money Laundering


FirstBank's AML team was drowning in 500 manual case reviews monthly. Their low-code solution:

  • Built a central hub for all case info
  • Gave full visibility into case status
  • Made documentation and teamwork a breeze

Result: The new system saves a whopping 1,000 hours each year.

US Air Force: Unifying Contract Writing

US Air Force

The Air Force had a mess of old contract writing systems. They built CON-IT using Appian's low-code platform:

  • Replaced 100+ old systems
  • Standardized contract writing Air Force-wide
  • Took just 9 months to build

Result: The Air Force pocketed $83 million by ditching old systems.

Company Problem Solution Result
Addiko Bank Slow loans Low-code system linking processes 50% faster approvals
FirstBank Manual AML reviews Low-code case management 1,000 hours saved yearly
US Air Force Contract system chaos Single low-code app (CON-IT) $83 million saved

These examples show how AI low-code platforms can tackle big problems fast. Companies work quicker, save cash, and keep customers happy.

Checking If the Update Worked

After updating your legacy systems with AI low-code platforms, you need to measure the results. Here's how to tell if your update paid off:

Signs of Success

1. Faster Development Times

Track how quickly your team builds and deploys new apps. Freshworks CEO Girish Mathrubootham shared:

"Our software projects used to take eight to ten weeks on average. With ChatGPT, we now get the job done in under a week."

2. Cost Savings

Calculate money saved from reduced maintenance, labor, and hardware costs. PwC's low-code platform implementation resulted in 85% cost savings and 30% time savings.

3. Improved Efficiency

Measure task completion speed in the new system. Track:

  • Number of IT requests handled
  • Time to process application requests
  • Reduction in manual labor

4. User Satisfaction

Survey employees and customers about their experience. Higher satisfaction often means better productivity and customer retention.

5. Security Improvements

Monitor security metrics like breaches, attempted intrusions, and threat response time.

Long-Term Gains

1. Reduced IT Spending

Track your IT budget over time. 80% of enterprise IT spending goes to maintaining legacy systems. Your modernization should lower this.

2. Increased Scalability

Measure how easily your new system handles growth in data volume, user base, and new features.

3. Ongoing ROI

Calculate the financial return on your modernization investment. McKinsey estimates an average ROI of 10-30% for these projects.

4. Improved Customer Experience

Monitor customer satisfaction scores, retention rates, and Net Promoter Score (NPS). Greg Jackson, CEO of Octopus Energy, noted:

"Artificial intelligence is doing the work of hundreds of employees at our company. Emails written by AI tools are received more enthusiastically by our customers and boost customer satisfaction compared to correspondence written by human employees."

5. Competitive Edge

Assess your market position: speed of product launches, ability to adapt to changes, and innovation in customer offerings.


AI-powered low-code platforms are shaking up legacy system modernization. They're making it faster and easier for companies to bring old tech into the 21st century.

Why AI low-code is a game-changer:

  • It's FAST. Freshworks slashed project times from 2+ months to less than a week using ChatGPT.
  • It saves money. PwC's low-code platform cut costs by 85% and time by 30%.
  • It's flexible. Keep what works, upgrade what doesn't.
  • It unlocks data. AI tools connect different sources, making info more valuable.
  • It reduces headaches. Simpler code means less future maintenance.

McKinsey's research backs this up: modernizing with AI tools can lead to a 10-30% ROI. That's real impact.

"At BRQ, we see the modernization of legacy systems with Generative AI as a great opportunity for companies to enhance their operations and remain competitive." - Carlos Augusto F. dos Santos, VP of Operations at BRQ

Ready to dive in? Here's your quick-start guide:

  1. Assess your current systems
  2. Identify top priorities for updates
  3. Choose the right AI low-code tool
  4. Get your team up to speed

Don't let legacy systems hold you back. AI low-code could be your ticket to a more efficient, competitive future.


How does AI affect low-code?

AI turbocharges low-code platforms in three main ways:

1. Automated testing

AI-powered test scripts catch bugs faster than humans. This means quicker development, more reliable apps, and less manual QA.

2. Smarter data handling

AI algorithms clean, validate, and enrich data. The result? Your low-code apps run on high-quality, accurate information.

3. Intelligent workflows

AI creates automated processes that handle repetitive tasks, crunch data, and make decisions. This cuts manual work and boosts efficiency.

A Quora expert puts it this way:

"By integrating AI capabilities, low-code platforms become more versatile and powerful, empowering citizen developers and professional developers alike to create sophisticated applications with minimal coding effort."

When shopping for a low-code platform, look for one with built-in AI features. It's the best way to leverage both technologies.

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