AI-Powered Legacy Code Refactoring: Guide 2024

Discover how AI is transforming legacy code refactoring with faster, more efficient tools, and learn the best practices for implementation.

AI is revolutionizing legacy code refactoring. Here's what you need to know:

  • AI tools scan code, spot issues, and suggest fixes faster than humans
  • Benefits: speed, consistency, fewer errors, cost savings
  • Key AI tools: Refact AI, WhatTheDiff, Second, DeepCode
  • Steps: review old code, set up AI tools, define goals, refactor, test
  • Challenges: handling large systems, poor documentation, reducing risks

Quick comparison of traditional vs AI-powered refactoring:

Feature Traditional AI-Powered
Speed Slow, manual Fast, automated
Consistency Varies Uniform
Error Detection Limited Catches subtle issues
Scale Tough for big codebases Handles millions of lines
Learning Curve Steep Adapts quickly

Bottom line: AI refactoring tools can modernize legacy code faster and cheaper, but they're not perfect. Always have humans double-check AI's work.

What is AI-Powered Refactoring?

AI-powered refactoring is like having a super-smart coding buddy. It uses machine learning to scan your code, spot issues, and suggest fixes - fast.

Here's how it compares to old-school methods:

Feature Traditional Refactoring AI-Powered Refactoring
Speed Slow, manual Fast, automated
Consistency Varies by developer Uniform across codebase
Error Detection Limited to humans Catches subtle issues
Scale Tough for big codebases Handles millions of lines
Learning Curve Steep for complex systems Adapts quickly

AI Tech in Refactoring

AI doesn't just scan code; it understands it. Using NLP and machine learning, AI tools can:

  • Break down monoliths into microservices
  • Upgrade old database calls
  • Find and fix security holes

For example, when moving a Java monolith to Spring Boot, AI can convert old JDBC code to Spring Data repos in no time.

Benefits Over Old Methods

  1. Speed: AI is FAST. What took weeks now takes hours.

  2. Consistency: No more forgetting parts. AI changes everything uniformly.

  3. Fewer Errors: AI spots bugs humans miss, cutting down on new issues.

  4. Saves Money: Less time refactoring means lower costs. U.S. companies spend $85 billion yearly on old tech - AI can cut that.

Main AI Tools for Code Review

  1. Refact AI: Does code completion, refactoring, and chat. Works with GPT-4 and Code LLama.

  2. WhatTheDiff: AI code review helper. Writes pull request descriptions and fixes small issues.

  3. Second: Big-time AI for codebase upkeep. Does auto migrations and codemods.

  4. DeepCode: Uses ML to give spot-on advice and find tricky bugs and security issues.

These tools don't just point out problems - they fix them. DeepCode can find a memory leak and tell you exactly how to patch it up.

Getting Ready for AI Refactoring

Let's prep your legacy code for an AI makeover:

Check the Old Code

Take a good look at your existing codebase:

  1. Run static analysis tools
  2. Use code coverage tools
  3. Identify complex or frequently changed parts

"If people can make changes more rapidly in the codebase, then they can implement new features more quickly, they can make changes to the software." - Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist at Thoughtworks

Set Up AI Tools

Pick your AI refactoring tools:

Set Goals and Measures

Define clear goals for your refactoring project:

Goal Measure
Boost performance Response time reduction
Improve maintainability Cyclomatic complexity score
Cut technical debt SonarQube debt ratio
Prep for modernization Successful API migrations

Track these metrics before and after refactoring. This way, you'll know if your AI-powered refactoring actually worked.

AI Refactoring Step-by-Step

Here's how AI-powered refactoring works:

Reviewing the Old Code

AI tools scan your code and create detailed reports. They spot:

  • Syntax errors
  • Security issues
  • Performance problems
  • Code smells
  • Standard violations

Amazon's CodeGuru, for example, digs into large codebases and suggests specific fixes.

Choosing What to Fix First

AI helps you prioritize. It looks at:

  • Performance impact
  • Change complexity
  • Potential risks

GPT-4 can review your functions and tell you which ones need work ASAP. It might say, "Fix that buggy price calculator before touching the simple temperature converter."

AI Code Changes

AI doesn't just suggest - it can make changes too. It can:

  • Rename unclear variables
  • Simplify complex code
  • Add input checks
  • Use modern coding tricks

Tools like WhatTheDiff can even fix small issues during code reviews.

Checking the New Code

AI doesn't forget to test. It uses:

Test Type Purpose
Static analysis Finds issues without running the code
Dynamic analysis Catches runtime errors and slowdowns
Automated unit tests Makes sure each part works right

Ongoing Improvements

AI keeps working even after the big fixes. It:

  • Watches performance
  • Suggests more tweaks
  • Keeps up with new coding standards

Second, an AI tool, helps with automated updates and smart codebase maintenance.

"GPT-4 can quickly spot ways to improve your code, helping you write cleaner, faster stuff." - SitePoint


Tips for AI Refactoring

Mixing AI and Human Work

AI tools can speed up refactoring, but they're not perfect. Here's how to use AI and human skills together:

  • Let AI scan code and suggest changes
  • Have developers check AI's work
  • Use AI for boring tasks, humans for tricky stuff

GitHub found developers using AI assistants finished 55% faster. But humans caught 27% of AI's mistakes.

"AI won't do everything. It's smarter to use it to work more efficiently." - Lauren Sallata, CMO at Ricoh North America

Keeping Code Easy to Read

AI can write confusing code. To keep things clear:

  • Tell AI your coding rules
  • Split AI code into smaller, named functions
  • Add comments to explain AI-written parts
Tip Why It Helps
Use clear names Makes code obvious
Keep functions small Easier to get and test
Format consistently Makes scanning easier

Handling AI Mistakes

AI messes up sometimes. Here's how to catch and fix its errors:

1. Test everything

AI breaks unit tests 66% of the time when refactoring. Always test what it does.

2. Look closely at AI's work

Even the best AI only gets refactoring right 37% of the time. Humans need to double-check.

3. Start small

Try AI on tiny bits of code first. This way, mistakes won't cause big problems.

"If you let AI code without expert developers watching, it'll probably break your stuff instead of fixing it." - Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist at Thoughtworks

Solving AI Refactoring Problems

AI refactoring tools can modernize legacy code, but they're not perfect. Here's how to tackle common issues:

Working with Big Systems

Large codebases can overwhelm AI tools. To manage this:

  • Split the system into smaller parts
  • Tackle one component at a time
  • Use version control

OpenVPN's team used AI refactoring and saw an 8% boost in code security.

Fixing Poor Documentation

AI struggles with poorly documented systems. Try this:

1. Use AI for basic docs

AI can analyze code and create initial documentation.

2. Mix AI and human knowledge

Have developers improve AI-generated docs.

3. Build a knowledge base

Create a central info repository as you learn more.

Reducing Risks

AI refactoring isn't foolproof. Here's how to lower risks:

Risk How to Fix
Broken code Test after each change
Unexpected changes Review AI suggestions
Lost functionality Refactor bit by bit

CodeScene found that even the best AI only refactors code correctly 37% of the time.

"AI now makes it so easy to write a lot of code that shouldn't be written in the first place." - Adam Tornhill, CodeScene CTO

To avoid this:

  • Start with small, low-risk code sections
  • Always have a human check AI changes
  • Use AI as a helper, not a replacement

What's Next for AI Refactoring

AI is shaking up how we deal with old code. Here's what's coming and how it might change software maintenance.

New AI Technologies

AI is bringing fresh ideas to code refactoring:

  • Self-improving code: AI will keep analyzing and tweaking code, suggesting or making changes on its own.
  • Language switching: Tools like Google's Duet AI can turn code from one language to another. It can change C++ to Go with just one prompt.
  • Auto-documentation: AI will write and update code docs, making old systems easier to get.
AI Tool What It Does
Duet AI Switches code languages
CodeClimate Reviews code automatically
Sourcery Gives quick refactoring ideas Checks technical debt

Future of AI in Software Upkeep

AI is set to change how we keep software running:

  • Seeing problems early: AI will spot issues before they happen, saving money and time.
  • Always testing: AI tools will make and run tests non-stop, catching bugs faster.
  • Updating old systems: AI will help modernize outdated systems quicker and cheaper.

"Updating old apps usually means moving and changing code from one language to another. It's expensive and takes months. Duet AI makes this faster and easier when moving to Google Cloud." - Brad Calder, VP and GM for Google Cloud Platform

Big changes:

  • AI could cut maintenance costs by 30%.
  • Companies using AI might work 25% faster.
  • By 2025, 120 million workers in big economies might need new skills to work with AI.

As AI takes over more maintenance jobs, developers will need to learn how to team up with these tools.


AI is changing the game for legacy code refactoring. Here's why it matters:

  • It saves time
  • It improves code quality
  • It cuts costs
Benefit Impact
Speed Up to 300% faster bug fixing
Efficiency 2x increase in monthly deployments
Adoption 70% of developers use or plan to use AI tools

AI isn't just a fad. It's becoming essential for modern software development. As Alister Wood from VisitUs says:

"I use (GitHub's) CoPilot to create low-code applications that illustrate my ideas to the development team. It's a novel way to get my point across without too much work."

Want to make the most of AI in refactoring? Here's how:

1. Start small

Pick a small part of your codebase to refactor with AI.

2. Double-check

Always review AI-generated code changes.

3. Keep learning

AI tools are always getting better. Stay in the loop.

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