Enabling Data-Driven Decision Making and AI for Traditional Industries

Traditional industries are struggling to leverage their data for strategic decision-making. Our partnership with Shakudo addresses the challenges of extracting insights from legacy systems, offering a cost-effective and efficient approach to data integration and analytics.

Reduction in data integration costs
Increase in operational efficiency


Businesses in manufacturing, logistics, and similar sectors often struggle to make data-driven decisions, hindering operational efficiency and innovation. This challenge stems from two key issues:

  1. Valuable data remains trapped in legacy systems, inaccessible for modern analytics and AI applications.
  2. Connecting these systems to extract actionable insights is typically expensive, time-consuming, and requires specialized talent.

Currently, companies resort to costly system integration services, often spending millions on projects that take months to implement and are difficult to maintain. This status quo not only drains resources but also results in rigid solutions that struggle to adapt to changing business needs. As a result, many companies fail to capitalize on their data assets, risking their competitive edge in an increasingly digital market.


With a platform built to seamlessly connect legacy systems to modern data environments, businesses can rapidly unlock the value of their existing data. This approach enables companies to leverage advanced analytics and AI without extensive system overhauls or large-scale custom builds. By streamlining the integration process, the platform empowers internal teams to drive data initiatives efficiently and cost-effectively, while ensuring long-term maintainability and flexibility.

The solution supports integration with:

  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
  • APIs (REST, SOAP, GraphQL)
  • Flat files (CSV, XML, JSON)
  • Databases (SQL, NoSQL)
  • Legacy protocols (FTP, SFTP)
  • ERP systems
  • CRM platforms
  • Supply chain management software
  • IoT device data streams


  • Laminar provides a low-code platform with AI assistance and pre-built components, enabling rapid creation of custom integrations.
  • Shakudo provides a data platform with the best-of-breed data tools available to deploy for a more reliable, performant, and cost effective data and AI operating system.
  • Together, these platforms create a smooth pathway from legacy systems to a modern, AI-ready environment.

Learn more about Laminar and Shakudo


  • Achieve data-driven decision making across operations within 3-6 months instead of 18-24
  • Reduce time-to-insight by up to 70%
  • Lower data integration costs by 80-90%
  • Implement 3x more data-driven use cases within the first year
  • Increase operational efficiency by up to 30% through data-informed processes
  • Accelerate innovation cycles by leveraging previously inaccessible data

Learn more about how Laminar can help.

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