Legacy to Modern System Data Migration with Custom Integrations

Many businesses struggle to modernize their data infrastructure due to the complexity of connecting to legacy systems. Laminar's platform helps companies to build custom integrations without needing to write code, helping with data migration to modern systems.

Faster time to migrate
Less time spent developing integrations


Businesses across industries face significant challenges when attempting to modernize their data infrastructure:

  1. Critical business data is locked in obsolete, on-premises systems, limiting accessibility and scalability.
  2. Traditional data migration methods are costly, time-consuming, and often require specialized expertise.

The current approach typically involves extensive custom coding or expensive third-party services, leading to prolonged project timelines and inflexible solutions. This results in many companies postponing necessary system upgrades, hindering their ability to leverage advanced analytics and cloud capabilities.


The solution lies in empowering businesses to create custom, flexible integrations for moving data from their legacy systems to modern platforms. Instead of relying on one-size-fits-all migration tools or expensive consultants, companies can leverage a platform that allows their own teams to build tailored integrations.

This approach enables businesses to:

  1. Design migration processes that account for their unique data structures and business rules
  2. Create scalable, reusable integration components that can evolve with their needs
  3. Implement phased migration strategies to minimize disruption to ongoing operations
  4. Maintain greater control over data transformation and validation during the migration process
  5. Develop in-house expertise for managing and updating integrations post-migration

By building custom integrations on a flexible platform, businesses can address the complexities of their legacy systems while future-proofing their data infrastructure. This solution not only facilitates the immediate need for data migration but also establishes a foundation for ongoing data integration and modernization efforts.


Laminar's platform offers a low-code environment for building custom integrations, with AI-assisted development tools to accelerate integration creation. Its flexible architecture supports connecting various legacy and modern systems, with scalable processing capabilities to handle large-scale data migrations. Real-time monitoring and logging features ensure visibility throughout the migration process.

The platform supports building integrations for various scenarios, including:

  • Extracting data from mainframe systems, legacy databases, or custom applications
  • Transforming data to fit modern data models and structures
  • Loading data into cloud-based warehouses, modern databases, or SaaS applications


  • Reduce integration development time for migrations by up to 70%
  • Lower migration project costs by 60-70% compared to traditional custom coding
  • Accelerate system modernization timelines by 2-3x
  • Maintain full control and flexibility over the migration process
  • Minimize business disruption with tailored, phased migration approaches
  • Enable seamless transition to cloud and advanced analytics platforms
  • Improve long-term data accessibility and system performance

Learn more about how Laminar can help.

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